REAL Flying Rules, discovered in the Fairey Hangar at the Heathrow Airport. (Ce texte m’a été offert par un gentil ‘coordo’ de l’escale de Londres…)
- Don’t take a machine into the air unless you are satisfied it will fly.
- Never leave the ground with the motor leaking.
- Don’t turn sharply when taxiing, instead of turning short have someone lift the tail around.
- In taking off, look at the ground and the air.
- Never get out of a machine with the motor turning until the pilot relieving you can reach the motor controls.
- Pilots should carry hankies* in a position to wipe off goggles.
- Riding on the steps, wings or tail of a machine is prohibited.
- In case of the engine fails on take-off, land straight ahead regardless of obstacles.
- No machine must taxi faster than a man can walk.
- Do not trust altitude instruments.
- Learn to gauge altitude, especially on landing.
- If you seen another machine near you, get out of its way.
- No two cadets should ever ride together in the same machine.
- Never run the motor so that blast will blow out another machine.
- Before you begin a landing slide see that no machines are under you.
- Hedge topping will not be tolerated.
- No spins on or tail slides will be indulged in as the unnecessarily strain the machine.
- If flying against the wind and you wish to turn and fly with the wind, don’t make a sharp turn near the ground, you might crash.
- Motors have been known to stop during a long slide ; if the pilot wishes to use the motor for landing he should open the throttle.
- Don’t attempt to force machines onto the ground with more flying speed, the result is bouncing and ricocheting.
- Aviators will not wear spurs* while flying.
- Do not use aeronautical gasoline in cars and motor cycles.
- You must not take-off or land closer than 50 feet to the hangar.
- Never take a machine into the air until you are familiar with its controls and instruments.
- If an emergency occurs while flying, land as soon as you can.
- It is advisable to carry a good pair of cutting pliers in a position where both pilot and passenger can reach them in case of an accident.
- Joy rides will not be given to civilians.